AMU Elections

AMU Executive Board Elections
A new election cycle will be called in the spring of 2020, once the terms for our current executive board officers approach expiration.
The Counselor VP seat has been closed since 2016 as the position is out of compliance with our governing bylaws.
Spring 2018 AMU Executive Board election results

Spring 2016 AMU Executive Board election results

AMU-GDPS Contract Vote
One of the cornerstones of Unionism is for employees to have a say in their work lives and their working conditions.
Each year, through interest based bargaining, AMU and GDPS come together to collectively bargain a contract that not only governs our work lives and working conditions, but enshrines our rights as professionals.
Each year, the goal of our bargaining team is to ensure we bargain the very best contract for all our members.
2018-2019 Contract Vote
2017-2018 Contract Vote
2016-2017 Contract Vote