Black Lives
Matter at School!
February 6th, 2023
All lives will matter when Black Lives Matter.
February is Black History month, where we recognize and celebrate the work Black people have done and continuously do to push our country towards progress, and uplift all our humanity when striving for equality, and specifically, Black equality.
When we explicitly value, recognize, and affirm the unique role Black people and Black Americans have had in making our country great, we acknowledge the outsized role the Black community has had in making equality a reality in this country, for all of us.
Today and everyday should reverberate with the legacies of the namesakes of some of our schools, who have imbued our collective history with the ferocity of Black liberation.
Phillis Wheatley, who in her writing, never ceded her humanity.
Alain LeRoy Locke, who’s luminary intellect ignited the Harlem Renaissance.
Ralph Bunche, who sowed peace and helped build and dream of a global unity.
Jackie Robinson, who proudly claimed space in America’s national game.
James B. Taylor, who underlined the importance of Black educators in Black communities.
Mae Jemison, who allows our Black students to see their future as intergalactic.
But just as important as recognizing the contributions and victories of the past, is affirming, supporting and committing to a future where Black Lives Matter, and taking action TODAY for the victories of tomorrow.
It is for this reason that I encourage all of you to take part in Black Lives Matter in School Week, and why our Reps will be asked to formally endorse our week of actions to affirm Black Lives Matter in schools (read it here!).
As educators, we understand the transformative role we can play in the lives of our students, so we must make the schooling experience of our students one that is empowering, and liberatory.
During the 2017-2018 school year, from February 5 to 9, thousands of educators around the U.S. wore Black Lives Matter shirts to school and taught lessons about structural racism, intersectional black identities, black history, and anti-racist movements for a nationally organized week of action: Black Lives Matter at School. Educators in over 20 cities participated in this national uprising to affirm the lives of Black students, teachers, and families.
This year, we would like to add AMU Educators to that list. Please make February 4th-8th a week where your classroom and your counseling office uplift the humanity of our Black students, and underline that all lives will matter when BLACK LIVES MATTER.
Look through your E-mail for actions and lessons endorsed by AMU, or visit www.blacklivesmatteratschool.com for resources, lessons, and much more!
Below are posters you can download, and print to post in your classroom, in your office, at your school, and/or for a site BLM rally on Feb. 8th!