About us

AMU standing committees
AMU has multiple independent standing committees which implement AMU ideas and its mission statement into actions. These committees help build Union power, run honest and transparent elections, give voice and support to oppressed populations withing the communities we serve, push for a better contract through negotiations, and protect our rights as professionals through the grievance process.
Membership in all AMU committees is open to all AMU members! If you would like to get involved in any of our committees, contact our Executive board or the chair the committee you are interested in joining.
Committee Chair
Bargaining Committee
Elections Committee
Organizing Committee
Ambar Ramirez
Sandra Ochoa-Rivera
Vacant-Please email the AMU President
AMU-Green Dot collaboration committees
AMU and Green Dot have several collaborative committees which brainstorm and implement initiatives that make working at Green Dot rewarding! These committees ensure all stakeholders have a voice in how teachers and counselors are evaluated, continually push for sustainability in your day to day work life, and search for benefits that meet the needs of our members.
These committees are a mix of Green Dot Administrators, Home Office employees, and AMU members. If you would like to get invovled in any of these committees, contact our Executive board!
Committee AMU Chair
Benefits Committee